How to handle 11x growth in smartphone data traffic

The total global mobile data traffic is expected to rise at a…

Cardcrypt – failure to encrypt transaction data

Cloud and mobile security service Wandera detected the problems…

Global WiFi Expands In French Airports & Train Stations

iPass, the world's largest WiFi network, announced today its…

Machine learning protects against unknown security vulnerabilities

The explosion of billions of mobile devices has created the largest…

FON added to huge Global WiFi network

WiFi hotspot aggregator iPass is on target to offer access…

U.S WiFi Coverage Increases With 100.000 TWC Hotspots

iPass WiFi coverage in the United States will increase with another…

3.400 new Global WiFi hotspots in Italy

iPass Global WiFi has announced a partnership with Futur3, the…

Partnership boosts iPass Global WiFi to over 50M hotspots

iPass Global WiFi, the world’s largest commercial WiFi…

Global Mobile Data Traffic Will Increase 45% A Year – Are You Prepared?

A growing number of smart devices are penetrating the market…

Potential Apple Pay security weakness revealed

As an example of the on-going security benefits of the Wandera…